Category Archives: Truth-Teller Books

Mindfield is FREE…for a few days

Mindfield is free through Monday as an ebook on Amazon. It can be read as a military sci fi space opera with some twists, or as its title implies, it’s also about negotiating a mine field of the mind. It’s gotten a few very good reviews on Goodreads. Please get it, enjoy it, and hopefully review it.

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Mindfield Gets a Five Star Rating!

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Mindfield got its first rating on Goodreads and it’s five stars! Thank you Gene Summers. It appears that Gene is an avid reader of space opera. I’m so happy that he liked my take on this genre in Mindfield. When I finish a book, I can’t tell how good it really is. It’s so nice to get some validation.

Incidentally, I hear many authors complain about how tough the Goodreads reviewers are. Fortunately, I haven’t found that to be the case. The star averages for my books on Amazon and Goodreads are about the same. My one wish is that potential readers could more easily see my Goodreads reviews, as Download has only one review on Amazon, while it has ten on Goodreads.

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Writing: A Look Back and a Look Forward

2017 was a breakthrough year for me. Sales of Magellan’s Navigator have been steady and it’s garnered many good reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. As a writer, it’s immensely satisfying to see people enjoying my work, like the gentleman from Cebu in the Philippines who recently wrote a review on Amazon.

The sequel to Magellan’s Navigator is outlined and a quarter written. Think Master and Commander on a galley as Albo spars with the Barbary pirates. I just need a title for it.

I wrote enough words for a novel in 2017, yet published nothing. That will change soon when my new science fiction books Mindfield and Mindgames come out. They can be read as space opera, but Mindfield is really about one man’s search for his identity. I hope readers enjoy this book as much as I do. The setting for these books is forty years after my Truth-Teller books. Some of the characters in the latter reprise as secondary characters in the new books.

So I’ll have three books out in 2018. Best wishes to all in the New Year.



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Filed under Art and Craft of Writing, Magellan's Navigator, Mindfield, Truth-Teller Books

My Truth-Teller Books Are in Paperback!


Truth-Teller Rebellion and its sequel Truth-Teller Revenge are now available at Amazon in paperback, as ebooks, and free with Kindle Unlimited. Truth-teller Cary and his empath sister Krin use their unusual talents to fight against the dictator Perez…first to survive in Rebellion and then to defeat him in Revenge.

For Truth-Teller Rebellion click

For Truth-Teller Revenge click



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Truth-Teller Revenge is Published

Truth-Teller Revenge by Kenneth D. Schultz, the sequel to Truth-Teller Rebellion is available today at e-book sellers.

Wormhole technology is a reality and promises to be the salvation of mankind. That is, if the battle over its control doesn’t destroy civilization first.

Cary sees a chance to end the war while getting revenge on the man responsible for killing his father and his lover. There’s one problem. It’s a suicide mission. When Krin discovers this, she’s determined to use all her emotion-twisting powers to keep him alive.

TruthTellerRevenge-Ebook cover

Truth-Teller Revenge is available at:


Barnes & Noble

Champagne Book Group

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My Writer’s Journey: A Look Backward and a Look Ahead

While life may be a journey, writing has been a plodding trek for me of often three steps forward and then four steps back. I researched my first novel, a historical novel about Magellan’s circumnavigation of the world, for a year. Then I took a year writing the first draft of my novel, after which I attended the Pacific Northwest Writers Association summer conference to pitch it. There I sat in on a session on Point of View. POV? I’d never heard of point of view, but after the session I knew I had way too many of them.

My Magellan novel might have worked fifty years ago, when an omniscient POV was acceptable, but modern writing techniques are different from those of my youth. So I rewrote my novel, drastically reducing the POV’s in the process. Tim Joyner, the author of Magellan, which I consider the definitive book on Magellan, graciously agreed to read my novel. He said it was good as history, but since it was historical fiction, why didn’t I use that latitude to make my novel more engaging. He was right. I set my Magellan novel aside and moved on.

I wrote 2 and 20 in 2008. It was a fun novel to write. The protagonist’s marriage explodes, he compromises his principles to keep his job, but his job explodes anyway, he finds love, he almost loses love, but in the end, he regains his love and an honorable job. Problem? I didn’t think about what genre I was writing, which made it almost impossible to market to an agent. Maybe I’ll self-publish it someday.

They say to write what you know. I know finance. In 2008, I wrote Download, a techno financial thriller. It has a little of the attitude of Nelson DeMille, while giving the reader a peek into the world of mathematics and the odd cast of characters responsible for the theories that have made computers, cell phones, and most of modern life possible. A few agents showed interest, but none bit.

They say to write what you love to read. I love to read science fiction. 2010 gave birth to Truth-Teller Rebellion and 2011 to Truth-Teller Revenge, which Champagne Books published in 2014 and 2015.

Once Truth-Teller Revenge was off to my publisher this past summer, I circled back and rewrote and re-edited Download. Then, as an experiment, I self-pubbed it on Amazon this last November.

I wrote five books in five years from 2007 to 2011, and have since published three of the five. However, I haven’t written anything in the past three years. Sad. Sad, but not because I’ve been lazy. I’ve spent the last three years editing, rewriting, and editing, and then getting a blog and Facebook set up, etc. etc. All of this was necessary, but not nearly as fun as writing.

What lessons have I learned while I’ve been on this trek?

* Learn your craft. Read about writing, read modern novels, and then perfect your craft by writing.

* Craft is not enough. Your plot or your characters must be so engaging that the reader can’t put your book down. This is what I find most difficult. As a writer, I become so close to my characters that I find it difficult to imagine what the first time reader will think of them. Writing in the first person helps, I think, and I’m gravitating to that POV.

* Know what genre you’re writing. Yes, you can push the limits of a genre, but ignore the expectations of a genre at your own risk.

* Write, write, write. Even if you only average 250 words per day, that means a full size 80,000 plus word novel at year end.

* Editing is not fun. At least for me. Write books that require minimal editing before publishing.

Resolutions for 2015

* Write. Get back to writing.

First project. Rewrite the Magellan novel as a “memoir.” I started this a month ago, and it’s going well. It’s going faster than I expected because I’m recycling major portions of the original novel.

Second project, a new sci book?

* Write cleaner books the first time, which will then require less editing. I’ve learned a lot about writing from working with my Champagne editors. Combining that knowledge with a little more focus should result in books that require less editing. Less editing means more time for the fun stuff: creating stories, universes, and characters.

Here’s to the future and all the books in it.

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Filed under Art and Craft of Writing, Download, Truth-Teller Books

Truth-Teller Revenge is available for Pre-order.

Truth-Teller Revenge is available for pre-order.

Wormhole technology is a reality and promises to be the salvation of mankind. That is, if the battle over its control doesn’t destroy civilization first.

Cary sees a chance to end the war while getting revenge on the man responsible for killing his father and his lover. There’s one problem. It’s a suicide mission. When Krin discovers this, she’s determined to use all her emotion-twisting powers to keep him alive.

Truth-Teller Revenge is available for pre-order for delivery as an e-book on January 5, 2015 at most e-book vendors including Amazon.

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Editing Isn’t Fun, But It’s Necessary

I just reviewed the final galley of Truth-Teller Revenge. It looked great with only two small changes. Hurrah. Revenge is still on track for a January release.

Every author should strive to put out an excellent product. That requires an excellent plot and interesting characters. That’s the fun part. A quality book also requires meticulous editing, but poring over a manuscript line by line isn’t fun. I’ve gone half cross-eyed editing since June.

I’ve made a resolution to write cleaner, more typo free books. I’ve seen others in my critique group do it. I’m thinking of you, Laura Henson. One aid I recently learned of is the editing ‘option’ menu under ‘file’ in Word 2010. That will help eliminate some errors.

Unfortunately, some things don’t come easy to me. Word order is a bit of a problem. I blame it all on my dear mother. Inverted word order was natural to her, and sounds natural to me. She in turn blamed it on the Amish neighbors of the family farm in Painesville, Ohio. It just means I have to work a little harder.

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How Much Science Should a Sci Fi Book Have?

The typical sci fi book should have enough science in it to tell the story, and nothing more.

Conflict, and how the protagonist deals with that conflict, drives most good stories. Science interprets the reality of the world around us. By itself, science has no conflict.

Science is a secondary character in most novels. Devoting pages at a time to a secondary character is usually a mistake. I learned this from experience. When I first submitted Truth-Teller Rebellion to Champagne Press, it came back with a rejection, but with the comment that if, among other things, I wanted to eliminate the excess description (science in most cases) I could resubmit it. Thank you Champagne Press for that second chance. An example given was the two pages I had devoted to a detailed explanation of the construction and operation of a solplane. The editor was right. My two pages on solplanes just slowed down a story that already was a little too slow.

Often, a scientific idea is the spark behind a novel. For example, what if artificial intelligences no longer need mankind? That is the basis of The Fall of Hyperion and 2001: A Space Odyssey. However, what keeps the reader turning the pages in these classics is how the protagonist deals with this obstacle, not the science of artificial intelligences.

I recently read Anathem by Neal Stephenson. I admire this book for its originality, but the science of this book slowed it down. Anathem’s thesis centers on the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, MWIQM, which is roughly akin to the parallel worlds that inhabit many sci fi novels. I read the first discussions of MWIQM with care. However, there were more talking head discussions about MWIQM for pages at a time. I skipped over them all. Some quantum mechanics geeks might like these interruptions to the story, but they are a fine slice of the reading public. I suspect most readers will react as I did.

Putting science in a novel in most cases means more description. I like to get poetic with my descriptions. It pleased me that said in its review of Truth-Teller Rebellion that “Mr. Schultz’s scenery descriptions are not to be missed.” I was flattered, but that doesn’t mean I should write more and longer descriptions. When I’m writing my best, my descriptions mesh seamlessly with the dialogue and action.

Science is important to science fiction, but unless you want only hardcore science geeks for readers, keep the science short and sweet.

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It’s Been a Hectic Month of Editing and Toddler Sitting. Which Makes Me Wonder: How Parents Find Time to Write and Raise Kids

I received the Truth-Teller Revenge galleys from my publisher for the final proof a little over a month ago. I went through them, and then my meticulous and wonderful wife caught everything that I hadn’t. There was a lot to catch and only ten days to do it in. I can’t believe I read “grim” for “grime” multiple times. It goes to show how difficult it is to edit one’s own book. After a discussion with my publisher, Truth-Teller Revenge will come out in January 2015, instead of this November. At the cost of a two-month delay in publishing, it will be a much better book.

Closely following the final edit of Revenge was the birth of our second grandchild, a lovely little girl who needed a little extra time at the hospital before coming home. While Mommy and Daddy were beside her at the hospital, my wife and I cared for our two-year-old toddler grandson for ten days. This experience gave me a greater appreciation for the time, energy, and attention it takes to raise children. Now that our granddaughter is at home getting settled with her family, I will be getting back to writing and blogging.

My hat is off to all you parent/writers. I don’t know how you do it!

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