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4 responses to “contact

  1. Ron Roemer

    Hi Ken,
    Thanks for the signed copy of “Magellan’s Navigator.” I enjoyed it every bit as much as “In The Heart of the Sea.” In it you answered questions I have had for years. The story you shared in how you came by the documents behind your book are just as fascinating.
    Betty presented it to me on her visit last month, and I started reading right away. I’m guessing that while she knows I read quite a lot, she had no idea that your story is in my favorite (spanning 60 years) genre. Since San Pedro is a port town I’ll take advantage of the ample opportunities to recommend your book to others here who have “been to sea.”

    Ron Roemer

    • Thank you Ron for your kind words. I’m so happy you enjoyed it. No, Betty gave no hint of your interest, although perhaps that was the reason for her gift. A lot of research went into Magellan’s Navigator, most of which was done ten years ago. Then it took a while before I could figure out how to frame it in a story. Any PR you can do for my book would be greatly appreciated. Ken

  2. Ken McCormick

    I’ve tremendously enjoyed both Magellan’s Navigator and The King’s Galley. I’m glad you’ve turned to historical fiction. The King’s Galley has fleshed out for me and made more vivid some nonfiction I’ve read recently, such as Empires of the Sea and The Chevalier Bayard and Prince of Foxes. I look forward with great impatience to the publication of a sequel to The King’s Galley.

    • Thank you, Ken. I haven’t read the books you’ve referenced, although I’ve read quite a bit on the siege of Malta and Lepanto. I’ll have to check these books out. I’d love to write books about the siege and Lepanto, but it would have to feature Albo’s son or grandson. My target date for the next Albo book is Oct 1, 2020. No guarantees, but that date is doable. Magellan’s Navigator is actually the first book I wrote, although in its original form it wasn’t a “memoir.” I’m just happy to find a genre readers can connect with. Thanks again for your support. Ken

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